Biotechnology at the service of the Italian scientific community.

BIOSPA was founded in 1987 to support the marketing and sale of avidin/streptavidin/biotin-based products developed by the company's laboratories. The quality provided and the attention to the relationship with its customers mean that several prestigious Italian and foreign companies engaged in research in the field of in vitro diagnostics have been turning to BIOSPA for decades to purchase raw materials and detection systems produced in the company's laboratories. The careful search for foreign sources and the careful selection of products soon led BIOSPA to acquire exclusive distribution lines for the most promising areas of scientific research and HLA diagnostics applied to marrow and solid organ transplants. In this scenario, over the years BIOSPA has established itself as a highly specialised supplier on the Italian and foreign markets.


We are highly specialised suppliers in cell and molecular biology, immunodiagnostics, histocompatibility and raw materials.

Sales Network

A sales network with specific skills in the sector, great professionalism and many years of experience to meet every single technical and commercial need.


For information about our products, offers or order status.